A while ago, I entered into a heated (on my side, they were perfectly calm and collected) discussion with an independent sustainable clothes company. I had bought some fabric from them which had arrived enclosed in a huge, fancy box with embossed font on the...

As the child of a mother who brought me up on natural medicines, reiki, astrology and meditation, I think my natural inclination was to ignore what I had been raised with, and carry a sense of faint embarrassment about it all. But they say you...

May I introduce you to one of the loves of my life: my desk. My desk is a little window into what the inner workings of my brain may look like: the books I have stored up in my memory, the textures and shapes that inspire...

One summer when we were living in the wild depths of Southern France, in an old chicken shed with no running water but plenty of spiders and charm, Jon and I made a five minute film. I had written a poem about a girl who...