
Tell the Story of Your Home – Online Workshop – 3rd to 30th March 2025

Original price was: £119.00.Current price is: £89.00.

Spring is coming (I promise, it is), and with it, a fresh energy to infuse your home with all the beauty, inspiration and delight in your life.


I will work with you, over the space of a month, on creating a space that reflects the rich tapestry of your history, life, loves, hopes and dreams.


Through creative exercises, deep diving and a set of practical styling tips, we will build your confidence and clarity when it comes to your home and how to tell your own unique and very special story.


What you will come away with from ‘Telling the Story of Your Home’

  • A guide of straightforward & effective styling techniques to make your story flourish.
  • A fresh perspective on your space and how to use it.
  • The confidence to externalise your internal world, history and personality into your home space.
  • The confidence to experiment and be playful in your home
  • A clarity to identify the SPARK that triggers the creativity and light in your life.
  • A refreshed energy for your home as we come out of winter and into Spring.
  • A deeper sense of self.
  • A method for mining your own stories and life, to tell the story of your home.
  • A new community of like minded people, passionate about making their home into a multi-layered, creative, joyous place to be.
  • A thirty minute 1-2-1 video call with me to discuss your home and your intentions.
  • A fun, creative, experience that will encourage you to delve deep into everything that you love.

To learn even more about what this workshop is all about, please click on the ‘Description’ tab below.

SKU: TSYHW-MAR25 Category:

Someone asked me a while ago, ‘How do you create your specific magic in your home, and where would I even begin to recreate it?’.


This question made me think long and hard about what I do, about how I create the ‘magic’ in our home, and about how much of it is instinct, a natural extension of my heart, mind and soul.


With this in mind, I started writing this very workshop, with the purpose of guiding folk to make their own, very specific to them, magic.


This is not about making your home look like mine, this is about making your home look like YOU.


This is not about creating an insta-perfect home. This is about making a house a home full of love, character and LIFE.


Your life. Past, present and future.


This workshop is about:


  • How to make your home look and feel like the safest, most welcoming and inspiring version of your internal world.


  • How to create an environment that feels like it reflects your favourite parts of yourself and the parts you aspire to.


  • How to reflect your history, passions, dreams and personal story in your environment.


  • How to tell your past, and present in the four walls of your home.


  • How telling your story through your environment can help open up every aspect of your life: your relationship with yourself and others, creativity and hopes and dreams.


  • How the home can be an anchor for making our inner self feel stronger, more grounded, inspired. Vastly beyond what we may think it could be.


  • How expressing ourselves in our truest form, without barriers, external expectations or pretences will empower us.


  • A living, ever-evolving, ever-growing tapestry of YOU.


What the four week workshop will look like:


  • A thirty minute one-on-one with me early on, to discuss your set-up, what you would like to achieve and what to focus on.
  • Twice weekly emails with literature, inspiration and tasks to complete (these tasks can take as little or as long as you like).
  • I will work with you on creating vision boards, on telling your story, on getting to the core of what home is to YOU.
  • There will be an online group for workshop participants to share their progress, their frustration and breakthroughs.
  • Practical styling and hosting tips to go alongside the ‘bigger’ work you’ll be doing.
  • An ‘open clinic’ day to book in a slot if you would like to chat about where you’re up to and how you will move forward.

Pull up a chair, the kettle’s on, the wine is poured, I would love you to join me.


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