27 Feb The Green Fairy
Recently Jon and I spent an evening with the ferocious Green Fairy, or as absinthe is also often referred to as: ‘Death in the Afternoon’. Yeah, she’s no tinkerbell.
The last time I drank absinthe I had to be carried out of a Barcelona bar, oblivious to the world. My last memory before departing from reality was of gazing at my blurred reflection in my glass, wondering why on earth everything seemed so very high up and at which moment had I become so very small. This leads me to consider whether Alice was simply drunk on absinthe when she climbed through the rabbit hole.
On this occasion I held it together enough to take some photos to show you. I love anis and liquorice flavours so it’s a welcome guest in the cocktail cabinet, combined with the optional ritual of burning sugar over the glass and then mixing it in.
If you ever care to try it here are the steps:
~Mix a measure of absinthe with three parts water.
~Take a teaspoon of sugar and place it over the glass.
~Pour a small amount of absinthe over the sugar.
~Light the sugar with a match and watch it caramelize.
~Stir in sugar and taste.
~And most importantly, unless you care to follow in Oscar Wilde‘s footsteps, keep it to only one or two glasses! Cheers!
Til the next, Java x
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