12 Apr Crumpet Breakfast
One of the best things about the UK is the prominent availability of the common or garden crumpet. Crumpets are one of the finest carbohydrate packages to grace this earth. They are the wondrous cloud of wheat and water that will float your poached egg up to the high heavens.
Tragically (this is no exaggeration) I have recently accepted that wheat really, really, really doesn’t agree with me and that I might as well suck it up and get on with my wheat free life. Painfully dull yet annoyingly necessary for health reasons.
Hence, I felt it necessary to celebrate my love affair with crumpets at breakfast this morning, even if I am unable to eat them. (Jon really does get a good deal out of these situations).
Jon ate buttered and Marmite coated crumpets with poached eggs, ground pepper and red chilli. I ate my poached egg on a bed of steamed fresh spinach and grilled, chopped up wheat free sausage. I can’t moan, my crumpet free option was absurdly delicious. Jon looked unsurprisingly happy with his plateful of crumpets (5 in total).
So, here’s to you crumpets! Let’s all raise a cup of tea to the joyous pairing of crumpets and poached eggs.
Java x
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