22 Apr The World On My Dressing Table
My dressing table holds my entire family and the world all in one place. When feeling sad or confused, I will often rearrange the brooches that once belonged to my Welsh grandmother into different patterns, I will wind up the musical jewellery box that my mum gave me when I was 7 and watch the wonky ballerina twirl around on her broken feet, I will count the strings of fake pearls hanging from the globe and wonder why on earth do I own so many when I never even wear necklaces, I play my Ink Spots record because my parents used to dance with me and sing along to the ‘Java Jive’ when I was little, I find new homes for my tins and the salt pot in the shape of a woman’s head that always reminds me of what my mum used to look like when we lived in London, I count the bobby pins in the elephant tin and wonder where on earth they all disappear to, I plan future outfits around pieces of jewellery and I promise myself that one day soon I will use the antique pocket watch that Jon gave me for my 28th birthday.
Java x
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