How Turkey Tail tincture from Mogo Farm is Saving our Winter

(I have teamed up with Mogo Farms Organics as an affiliate, which means they have sent me the tinctures as a gift and I will receive a nominal fee for each sale which uses my code. As with everything I share, I only ever share products that I believe to be truly outstanding).

Every single winter, as soon as October arrives, Jon gets ill.

Between October and May, ‘I don’t feel right’ or ‘ugh, I feel awful’ are the most overused phrases in our house.

At his best, Jon has low energy, a permanent cough, and struggles not to fall asleep every time he sits down. At his worst, he’s in bed under the covers, in a fog of Olbas oil, coughing and spluttering to the point where I have to sleep on the sofa or in with the kids.

I don’t know if it’s his low immunity, the fact that we live in a damp valley or a mix of both. But it has been a major factor in our lives for years.

It doesn’t help that I am a rubbish nurse. I don’t like it about myself, I wish I had more compassion when it comes to Jon being ill, it is a serious failing of mine. I’m working on it. It’s my empathy blindspot.

I have historically had an immune system made of steel. But ever since I had covid, I’ve been far more susceptible to colds and flus.

UNTIL late last November when we started taking Turkey Tail tincture from Mogo farm.

I kid you not, it has been life changing.

Jon has been ill, maybe… once? And guess what, it was when we’d run out of the Turkey Tail tincture.

In case you don’t know about it, Turkey tail is a medicinal fungus full of antioxidants and compounds which help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and supports digestion and gut health.

And it works.

Before trying Mogo Farm Organics, a UK company, we had tried a different brand which was ok but not amazing. Jon came across Mogo, read the reviews, decided to give it a try and the difference was immediate.

Jon felt energised, his digestion improved and all shadows of a sniffle dissapeared.

I keep on holding my breath, expecting him to get ill. But so far, it’s late January, and as long as he’s taking the tincture, it hasn’t happened. Considering he’s been working in an environment full of small children for the last few months, this is nothing short of a miracle.

So, as I often do with the things I discover that really, really work for us as a family, I contacted Mogo Farms and asked if they would be interested in offering my followers a discount code in exchange for sharing their incredible product.

They kindly agreed and have also sent us a Chaga tincture (also an antioxidant rich in melanin for skin and hair) and Birch Polypore (with antiviral and antibacterial properties anti-inflammatory).

I will keep you posted!

For now, it’s simply lovely and a huge relief to have an illness-free home. And Jon doesn’t have to put up with me, as the terrible nurse that I am.

If you would like to try any of their tinctures, use java10 at checkout for a 10% discount.

(I have teamed up with Mogo Farms Organics as an affiliate, which means they have sent me the tinctures as a gift and I will receive a nominal fee for each sale which uses my code.

As with everything I share, I only ever share products that I believe to be truly outstanding).

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